Policy Statement:

Dear Valued Stratus Group Duo LLC Supplier,

Recently, the State of California enacted legislation (The California Transparency is Supply Chains Act of 2010 – S.B. 657) that requires retailers and manufacturers doing business in California with over $100 Million in worldwide gross receipts to disclose the steps they are taking to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from their supply chains. In case you have not heard about or had a chance to review the new legislation you can find moreinformation  at state of California attorney general’s website by clicking the link below. https://oag.ca.gov/SB657

As a manufacturer under the new legislation, Stratus Group Duo LLC strongly supports the goals of eradicating slavery and human trafficking and supports the best practices presented by the new California Legislation.

In addition to steps already taken internally by Stratus Group Duo LLC to ensure that the risks of human trafficking and slavery in our own supply chain are mitigated, we are also implementing the following procedures:

  1. We are asking you, as a Stratus Group Duo LLC supplier, to certify to us that all the materials used in the products we purchase from your company comply with existing local and federal laws regarding slavery and human trafficking in the country or countries in which you are doing business. We are asking ALL Stratus Group Duo LLC suppliers to provide a response regarding their supply chain management program (including the suppliers management of their own suppliers and contractors) so Stratus Group Duo LLC will have the information it needs to address the new legislation; as well as compliance with our own standards.
  2. We will provide our staff with information and appropriate training on mitigating the risks of human trafficking and slavery in our supply chains.

As part of our efforts to ensure compliance with the new legislation, we request that you complete the questions below and send us back or take a survey on our website to submit electronically.

We appreciate your cooperation in collecting this information. We ask that you kindly provide your response immediately so that Stratus Group Duo LLC can review the certification and information to maintain compliance. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email us at  qa@perfect-hydration.com

Yours Truly,
Stratus Group Duo LLC

    1. Do you currently have a program to assure that human trafficking and slavery do not exist in your operations and supply chains?


    If yes, please describe your program:

    2. Do you currently work with a 3rd party to identify the overall risks of slavery and human trafficking in your supply chain? This may include mapping your actual supply chain and looking into what countries you source from and what products or services you buy, and the risks related with sourcing from those countries or sourcing a specific product.


    Please explain:

    3. Do you currently conduct independent, unannounced audits of your operations and suppliers?


    Please explain:

    3. a) Does your auditing program include auditing personnel recruitment sources, including overseas labor brokers or overseas employment agencies providing imported labor?


    Please explain:

    3. b) Are your audits based on company standards for suppliers that include clauses on slavery and human trafficking?


    Please explain:

    3. c) Have you enunciated consequences for supplier non-compliance with said standards?


    Please explain:

    3. d) In the event that non-compliance by your suppliers is discovered, do you have a program to remediate such infractions?


    Please explain:

    4. Do you require your direct suppliers to certify that all materials incorporated into your final product were sourced, processed and manufactured in compliance with the human trafficking and slavery laws of the country or countries in which they operate?


    Please explain:

    5. Do you have company standards on human trafficking and slavery for your employees and contractors?


    Please explain:

    5. a) Do you have internal accountability standards and procedures in place to hold your employees and contractors accountable for non-compliance with your standards on slavery and human trafficking?


    Please explain:

    5. b) Have you established consequences for non-compliance of employees and contractors with said standards?


    Please explain:

    5. c) In the event that non-compliance by your employees/contractors is discovered, do you have a program to remediate such infractions?


    Please explain:

    6. Have your management employees, particularly those in charge of supply chain management, been trained to understand what slavery and human trafficking are and how to mitigate the risk of them in their respective supply chains?


    Please explain:

    7. Is the supplied material sold directly from the manufacturing company? If no, please clarify if a broker/3rd party agent is used.


    Please explain:

    8. Is any of the supplied material sourced outside the US?


    Please explain:

    9. Are you following the Foreign Supplier Verification Program? If yes please provide detail and upload supporting document.


    Please explain:

    10. Does the facility have a Preventive Controls Qualified Individual ( PCQI) responsible for the Food Safety Plan? Describe the credentials of the PCQI. If no PCQI, provide the credentials of the person responsible for the HACCP or Food Safety Plan?


    Please explain:

    11. Does the facility have a written recall plan for all products and contact packaging?


    Please explain:

    12. Do you conduct mock recalls? If so, how often ? Last mock recall date?


    Please explain:

    13. Are other allergens manufactured in the same facility as the supplied ingredient? If yes, list those allergens.


    Please explain:

    14. Is there a Pathogen Environmental Monitoring Program that actively detects pathogens in the plant environment and is reviewed annually? List test organisms.


    Please explain:

    15. Have you had any recalls or withdrawals within the last 2 years? If yes, please explain.


    Please explain:

    16. Have you received any FDA Form 483/violation letters or other Food Safety Regulatory Violations, import bans or warning letters within the last 24 months?


    Please explain:

    17. Third Party Audit Report – including most recent full audit report documentation, corrective actions and certificate for any GFSI audit scheme.


    Please explain:

    18. Letter of Guarantee and Sample COA


    Please explain:

    19. Any other applicable certificates copy such as Organic, kosher etc.


    Please explain:

    Declaration (*):

    I declare that all the answers I have provided to the above are to the best of my knowledge. I accept that any audit conducted by Stratus Group Duo LLC will be measured against the response that I have given.


    Company Name

    Completed By

    Company Position

    Contact Details



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